Leverage the Webpacker gem to incorporate Mirador Viewer into GeoBlacklight

Shawn Wong
5 min readMar 13, 2021

Mirador is an open-source, web-based, multi-window image viewing platform with the ability to zoom, display, compare and annotate images. It was built on the ReactJS framework. It is fully compatible with International Image Interoperability Framework(IIIF) specifications.

Webpack is a tool that lets you compile JavaScript modules. Given a large number of files, it generates a single file(or a few files), helps you manage the increasingly complicate dependency graph.

Webpacker is a Rails wrapper around the webpack build system that provides a standard webpack configuration and reasonable defaults.

To understand how it works, here is a brief example to install a Mirador viewer to a default rails project.

Install Mirador on a rails project

Since rails 6.x, webpacker comes in by default. With rails 5.x we need manually add it.


rails new testmirador


Run “rails server” and check if the server running properly from the browser:

Add “gem ‘webpacker’” in Gemfile, then run “bundle”:

Install it by “rails webpacker:install”. Can run “yarn upgrade” to fix the “unmet dependencies warning”. If successfully installed, a folder of “javascript” will be created under the app folder and a folder of “packs” under it. Basically, the javascript code we put in the “packs” folder is available to be included by the “javascript_pack_tag” in view files now.

Have a simple test:

Scaffold a test page: “rails g scaffold test content:text”

Change the routes in “config/routes.rb”: “root to: ‘tests#index’”

Migrate the database:”rake db:migrate”

Edit the “app/javascript/packs/application.js”, add a line of “console.log(‘Hello, Shawn greetings from Singapore’)”, then include this js file in “app/views/layouts/application.html” with “javascript_pack_tag”:

Run the server, if everything goes well, the webpacker will compile the application.js and log the string in the console:

Come to this step, the rest can be obvious.

  1. Put mirador, react, react-dom in dependencies of package.json, then npm install them.

2. Import mirador in “app/javascript/packs/application”:


import Mirador from ‘mirador/dist/es/src/index.js’;


3. Instantiate the instance of mirador in “app/assets/javascript/application.js”:


window.onload = function(){
const config = {

id: ‘domid’,

windows: [{ manifestId: ‘https://Your.ManifestUrl/phillipinMani.json’,

theme: { palette: { primary: { main: ‘#1967d2’, }, }, },




4. Put a dom element in view file “app/views/tests/index.html.erb”:

<div id=”domid”></div>

5. Compile and refresh the view page, if everything goes well, congratulations, you’ll have the mirador viewer on the test page now:

Install Mirador with plugins on Geoblacklight

Firstly, we create an instance of Geoblacklight with default template:

rails new gblMirador -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geoblacklight/geoblacklight/main/template.rb

Since the template will install the webpacker automatically, we don’t have to install it again. Seed some documents with “rake geocombine:index” then run the server “rake geoblacklight:server”, check from the browser if it running correctly:

If you encountered an error of “Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError”, can just run “rails webpacker:install” again to fix it.

Secondly, import mirador with plugins:

Add dependencies in package.json, then “npm install”:

Include mirador and plugins in “app/javascript/packs/application.js”


import Mirador from ‘mirador/dist/es/src/index.js’;
import miradorImageToolsPlugin from ‘mirador-image-tools/es/plugins/miradorImageToolsPlugin.js’;

window.Mirador = Mirador;

window.miradorImageToolsPlugin = miradorImageToolsPlugin;


Third step, add config file and override initializer:

Create a new file “iiif_manifest.js” under “app/assets/javascripts/geoblacklight/viewers”:


//= require geoblacklight/viewers/viewer

GeoBlacklight.Viewer.IiifManifest = GeoBlacklight.Viewer.extend({
load: function() {
var manifest_uri = document.getElementById('map').getAttribute('data-url');

var miradorInstance = Mirador.viewer({
id: 'map',
themes: {
light: {
palette: {
type: 'light',
primary: {
main: '#0088ce',
windows: [{
manifestId: manifest_uri,
thumbnailNavigationPosition: 'far-bottom',
window: {
hideSearchPanel: false,
hideWindowTitle: true,
hideAnnotationsPanel: true,
allowClose: false,
allowMaximize: false,
allowFullscreen: true,
workspace: {
showZoomControls: true,
workspaceControlPanel: {
enabled: false,


Create a new file “item_viewer.rb” under “config/initializers” to override the geoblacklight ItemViewer:


module Geoblacklight
class ItemViewer
def initialize(references)
@references = references

def viewer_protocol
return 'map' if viewer_preference.nil?

def viewer_endpoint
return '' if viewer_preference.nil?

def wms

def iiif

# HERE - Added viewer
def iiif_manifest

def tiled_map_layer

def dynamic_map_layer

def feature_layer

def image_map_layer

def index_map

# HERE - also need to specify viewer preference
def viewer_preference
[index_map, wms, iiif, iiif_manifest, tiled_map_layer, dynamic_map_layer,
image_map_layer, feature_layer].compact.map(&:to_hash).first


If everything goes well, we’ll have our mirador viewer embedded in the document detail view page now:

Fourth step, config plugins for mirador:

Edit the iiif_manifest.js file we created in the last step, at config field of “windows”, add setting “ imageToolsEnabled” as true; then put in the second parameter for the viewer() method to pass the plugin. (the first parameter of the viewer() method is the config hash).

Refresh the view page, we have the image tool plugin enabled in our embedded mirador viewer now!

Happy coding!

Special thanks to Jack Reed

Demo1 repo on Github

Demo2 repo on Github



Shawn Wong

Ruby on Rails developer, AWS cloud practitioner, GeoBlacklight, Omeka practitioner.